Yea, it starts with the foods we consume.
They weaken and eventually destroy our neurotransmitters or messenger molecules that carry nutrients from our gut up to our head brain, then take command messages from our head brain back down to our gut organs, all for this bodily operation.
Yep, communication between our gut brain and our head brain creates energy, want, desire, emotion down to involuntary bodily function, like breathing, heart beating, digesting food, nutrient distribution—even creating thoughts and actions. This ‘brain’ communication is called… health!
When this communication is broken, illness ensues. This is why dementia/Alzheimer’s is first NOT a head brain disease; it is a gut brain disease. To get your energy back, clear your brain fog, concentrate, have clear concise thoughts… to ensure you have the most fully functioning head brain, the first start is to get your gut in gear.