But WHY Even Get It in the First Place?

The British Medical Journal reported the first systematic collection of global data of individuals, less than 70 years old and it estimated the rate of UNDETECTED dementia is at a global rate of 61.7%.

But not on Janet’s watch.

As a Certified Dementia Practitioner while a Dementia Healthcare Administrator, serving over three lock down facilities, Janet has vast experience dealing with hands on approach to dementia.  Topped with years of research and formal education the pinnacle of her career is finishing dementia reversal schooling under Dr. Dale Bredesen, the first doctor to scientifically, through clinical medical trials, reverse cognitive decline.  Janet is a Bredesen ReCODE Practitioner and ReCODE health coach.  Janet knows that great brain health habits can prevent and even reverse dementia.  And she is shouting it across the globe:

  • From Hawaii to Manhattan as well as across the pond in Dublin Ireland, she’s been featured on numerous radio talk shows.
  • Janet has guest appearances on a Canadian and many US podcasts as well as many TV news shows.
  • She just retired as the monthly syndicated columnist of  “The Senior Scene” for Christian Family Magazine.
  • State associations to local civic groups have hosted Janet as speaker and seminar leader.
  • And she is the author of  9 Signs Your Experiencing Brain Drain and How To Keep Your Brain Fully Charged, available free clicking on the title and on her website,
  • As creator/author of The Brain Health Revolution, a free email magazine subscription service, Janet supplies tools, tips, check lists, articles and quick information on how to fight dementia and have good brain health. (Subscribe for free here.)
  • Facilitator of a 9 Step Alzheimer’s Reversal and Memory Retention Protocol.

On air or from a stage, Janet teaches audiences how to take the fear out of losing your mind and replace it with hope, empowerment, and an honest to goodness plan for building a better brain. She counsels individuals one-on-one and develops a specifically tailored protocol based on the individual’s lifestyle, medicines and current health condition to REVERSE their cognitive decline and reclaim their brain health.

Invite Janet to transform your group, she will change the way they view their health and lives.

Janet can speak to a range of brain health and aging issues, including:

  • Alzheimer’s is NOT a Brain Disease.  It Can Be Reversed and Prevented
  • How to Spot and Avoid the 7 Triggers of Dementia
  • How to Have “the talk” with Your Parents—and When to Step In
  • Your True Wealth is Your Health–How to Maximize your TWO Brains to be the Smartest and Sharpest YOU
  • How to Protect your Child’s Brain from CTE and other Brain Injuries

What people have said…

“You are an excellent speaker.  You are well prepared and have a great manner of presenting your material that keeps everyone’s attention.  You keep your audience entertained while you are informing them about serious subjects. You have a God given talent for public speaking.”
Ona Woodall, Chair, SHBC MAGIC Mature Adults Aging in Christ

“Janet made us feel so much better.”
Claudia Luft

“Janet, You brought so much laughter to our group. Keep up the good work you are doing!”
Eugenia Parker

“Loved your enthusiasm”
Jerry Johnson

“Liked all your topics, you make a very good presentation”
Beba Muysh s

“I liked your lists.”
Carene Myers

“Janet’s enthusiasm and knowledge– liked much. Janet was excellent. I really liked her new food pyramid.”
Gerald Keen

“Thank you for all your help at our dementia conference. I received many many positive comments, your session was outstanding.”

Gina Germany

Suggested Speaking Topics

for Health Care Providers, Care Givers, AARP and Senior Groups.

Janet speaks on a variety of topics in relation to brain health, dementia, how to age successfully with full mental capacity and most importantly HOW TO REVERSE DEMENTIA.

  • Reversing Alzheimer’s: Its Impact on the Health Care Industry
    • There are not enough neurologists today to currently serve all victims of the varying means of dementia.

    • The reversal of Alzheimer’s and other dementias will spur a collage of various new health care professions and put others to rest.  Learn what to expect.

  • The 7 Triggers to DEMENTIA/ ALZHEIMER’S
    • Knowing the triggers that turn on our ‘dementia’ genes, then making sure they are NOT activated, is the way to preventing this disease.
    • Dementia begins formulating in your brain 10-15, even 20 years before symptoms ever occur.
    • Janet gives the 7 Triggers which turn on ‘dementia’  genes, activating this brain robbing disease and suggests ways to turn off and NOT activate these genes.
  • ALZHEIMER’S Is NOT A Brain Disease
    • And It CAN Be Reversed
    • Learn What It is, What It is NOT and What YOU Can Do to Reverse It
    • There are three main types of Alzheimer’s and it’s formulation does not begin in the brain.
    • Understanding why and when exactly Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia manifests itself and what you can do for good brain and body health will transform your life and save your mind…your brain.
  • Brain Exercising along with The 4Cs to Successful Aging
    • What actually is brain exercising?, How do you do it? and How does it work?
    • 4 Successful Ways to Age
    • ​Just as we exercise our body for a healthier heart we need to exercise our brain to keep our memory, retain information and have proper reasoning and judgement.
    • What exactly are brain exercises and how are they effective? Combined together with 4 Successful Ways to Age, gain the ways to only add years to your life NOT sickness and ill health.
  • SLEEP How Lack of Sleep Can Cause Dementia
    • Do you get enough sleep?
    • Are you tired all the time?
    • It’s true, lack of sleep, a couple of times a week or more, over past decades is one of the causes of dementia.  Consistent sleep over the years is a dementia prevention method as well as a sustainability method for good brain health.
    • Learn why and how to get your sleep plus understand what sleep actually does to your brain.