Janet Rich Pittman is on a mission to help people fight the effects of aging by reversing their cognitive decline and powering up their brains.

As a former health care administrator and practitioner, specializing in dementia, Janet has been at the bedside of your family member or someone else close to you, holding their hand and trying to caress cognition back into place. Janet has repeatedly watched western medicine fail families and patients.

Her years of research and dementia reversal protocol schooling have taught her that it’s possible to prevent dementia, reverse the early symptoms and reclaim your brain.

By showing these prevention and reversal methods, means and measures ensuring great brain health habits, Janet transforms audiences, on air, from a stage and in person, helping them take their fear of losing their mind and replacing it with empowerment and an honest to goodness plan for building a better brain.

She also does that as

What people are saying about Janet

Janet is my go to person for all things ‘brain and geriatric health’ related. She has been instrumental in advising relevant clients. She treats each case with sincerity, professionalism, a deep understanding of the material and the kind of thoroughness that would further the pursuits of any company. She is also very kind and REALLY great fun. I value her input and really enjoy working with her. You will too!

Janet Pittman really knows her stuff!  When Healthy Meals Supreme was creating our new ketogenic healthy meal plan, we looked to her for guidance.  Janet provided her expert insights and worked with our Chefs to construct an effective ketogenic Alzheimer’s meal program that truly nourishes cognition.  Janet helped us maintain our culinary integrity to this at-risk population.  In addition, her expertise, compassion and depth of experience were invaluable to us.  Thank you Janet for all you do for these patients and we look forward to working with you in the future.

I’ve known Janet for a long time, we attend church together.  A few years ago I started reading her newsletters and learning more about her area of expertise and the depth and dedication of her experience.  At one point we began to have concerns about a particular family member who appeared to be “losing it” although middle aged.  Several people had suggested that it might be the early onslaught of dementia.

Then, one day, I happened upon one of Janet’s videos that suggested the first sign of dementia failings can be observed in one’s gait.  This was a real eye-opener and just the clue we needed to seek a precise diagnosis and get proper treatment.  Since then Janet’s informative emails and videos have become regular viewing for an extended list of family, friends and acquaintances.  “She really knows her stuff!” is the comment I hear regularly.  Her explanation of the relationship between “gut-brain & head-brain” has helped us all get our diet and nutrition on track.

Many thanks Janet, and keep up the good work!

Janet is Amazing! Her support, her enthusiasm, passion and knowledge around Brain Health is second to none.

I’m so grateful that Janet has come into my life. She inspires me and pushes me to be better, reach more people and motivates me to carry the same passion she does for what she does.
Thanks so much Janet.

I sought Janet’s expertise during a phase in my life in which I had NO energy, No oomph, No nothing. I did not care that I did not care. Exasperated from long-term visits to my general practitioner and a holistic practitioner with no improvement, I emailed Janet. She had not yet officially immersed herself into being a consultant, and she agreed to assist me.

She studied my detailed lab results, my prescriptions, listened to my sluggish energy reports, and accepted me as a client. Janet discovered discrepancies in my hormones which eventually let to improvement in my sleep quality. My work with Janet began the first part of 2019 with enhancing my diet (consuming food with awareness!) tweaking my supplements and exercise, and expanding my knowledge of the brain-gut connection.

After a few months, I am feeling better every day! I have found energy and desire to work in my tropical backyard after 2 1/2 years of not caring that I didn’t care. I feel my sense of humor is elevated, along with dancing, socializing, meditating, and physical activity!! Janet is genuinely interested in assisting people in optimizing health and wellness. She will not give up on you or your situation!

If you believe that good health can be found in a prescription pharmaceutical, then Janet Rich Pittman’s message isn’t for you. Janet’s extensive research, and work with others establishes the importance of good nutrition in achieving good health. My own experience with Type 2 diabetes, which I was able to completely reverse through nutrition and other lifestyle changes, convinces me that Janet is on the right track.

Dementia is a terrible condition that wreaks havoc on families and anything that might reverse, delay or prevent it is worth any price. Of course, nutrition isn’t an easy or necessarily convenient fix, but its rewards are inestimable. A non-invasive program with no negative side effects, such as Janet’s, seems irresistible to me.

If you are concerned that dementia might be affecting you, please contact Janet and follow her advice. It’s the very best thing that you can do for yourself and your loved ones.

I sought Janet’s expertise during a phase in my life in which I had NO energy, No oomph, No nothing. I did not care that I did not care. Exasperated from long-term visits to my general practitioner and a holistic practitioner with no improvement, I emailed Janet. She had not yet officially immersed herself into being a consultant, and she agreed to assist me.

She studied my detailed lab results, my prescriptions, listened to my sluggish energy reports, aSavend accepted me as a client. Janet discovered discrepancies in my neurotransmitters and hormones which, when corrected eventually lead to improvement in my sleep quality. My work with Janet began the first part of 2019 with enhancing my diet (consuming food with awareness!) tweaking my supplements and exercise, and expanding my knowledge of the brain-gut connection.

After a few months, I am feeling better every day! I have found energy and desire to work in my tropical backyard after 2 1/2 years of not caring that I didn’t care. I feel my sense of humor is elevated, along with dancing, socializing, meditating, and physical activity!! Janet is genuinely interested in assisting people in optimizing health and wellness. She will not give up on you or your situation!

When I train my clients in brain stimulation through my Fit Minds Program, or when I do an assessment, I often refer my clients to Janet, my good friend and local expert in successful aging.  She has incredible  head brain and gut brain knowledge.

I have known Janet for many years and respect her knowledge in brain health.  Janet was implemental in assisting me to create the first in our area non-profit to address Alzheimer’s and Dementia, Gulf Coast Dementia Services.  Janet is a great speaker and I always ask her to speak at our conferences.  Our attendees love her stories, energy and sincerity, along with the epiphanies and ah ha moments she creates. We are so fortunate to have Janet spreading the word and working to prevent and even reverse dementia.  Thank you Janet.