Janet Rich Pittman is on a mission to help people fight the effects of aging by reversing their cognitive decline and powering up their brains.
As a former health care administrator and practitioner, specializing in dementia, Janet has been at the bedside of your family member or someone else close to you, holding their hand and trying to caress cognition back into place. Janet has repeatedly watched western medicine fail families and patients.
Her years of research and dementia reversal protocol schooling have taught her that it’s possible to prevent dementia, reverse the early symptoms and reclaim your brain.
By showing these prevention and reversal methods, means and measures ensuring great brain health habits, Janet transforms audiences, on air, from a stage and in person, helping them take their fear of losing their mind and replacing it with empowerment and an honest to goodness plan for building a better brain.
She also does that as
- a monthly syndicated columnist of The Senior Scene, for Christian Family Magazines of Nashville, Birmingham Anniston/Gadsden and Mobile.
- creator of On The Brain, an electronic magazine on her website www.JanetRichPittman, featuring the latest findings for good brain health, dementia prevention and dementia reversal,
- author of 5 Secrets to Getting Your Gut-in-Gear,
- author of 9 Signs Your Experiencing Brain Drain and How To Keep Your Brain Fully charged, both available free on her website, wwwJanetRichPittman.com,
- developer of The Brain Health Revolution, a free email subscription where Janet supplies tools, tips, check lists, articles and quick information on how to fight dementia and have good brain health and
- as guest on domestic and international podcasts, TV interviews and radio talk shows.